Face-Time with Kevin: Committed to Your BeautiPHIcation

As a commitment to providing his clients the best products and procedures available, in addition to his personal pledge of professional growth, Kevin recently embraced the unique opportunity to attend a special master level injection workshop with internationally renowned experts Dr. Arthur Swift MD, FRCS, and Dr. B. Kent Remington, MD, FRCP. The focus of this event was injection safety and new injection techniques that will be implemented at Face-Time with Kevin in order to achieve the beauty and youthful look his clients strive for. In addition, Kevin also received intensive training on creating Phi, the mathematical principal of beauty and harmony through proportion with the use of dermal fillers.

If you are interested in restoring symmetry, harmony and balance while releasing your youthful natural beauty please give us a call to reserve your special BeautiPHIcation consultation today!


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