Allergan’s Kybella Now Available to Treat Chin Fat

Kybella has arrived! Finally, a non-surgical approach to rid ourselves of submental fat (most commonly known as the dreaded double chin). Kybella’s active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a naturally occurring molecule in our body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. This 15 minute procedure involves injecting Kybella into the fat beneath your chin, and then the transformation begins. Kybella begins the destruction of those pesky fat cells, and once they are destroyed they will never again be able to store or accumulate fat. Typically, with as few as 4-6 treatment sessions, you will be experiencing a more youthful, contoured and defined profile.

And there is more…

Whether you want to treat back fat, bra bugle or bra fat Kybella comes to the rescue again. At FaceTime with Kevin we can assist you with eliminating those stubborn areas of fat with Kybella treatments. You will soon be able to wear all your favorite styles with complete confidence! To your schedule your free consultation, and discover how you can benefit from Allergan’s Kybella, please contacts us at 407-766-2955. We look forward to seeing you!

Kybella treatment by Allergan

Kybella treatment for chin fat and double chins.

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